Salesforce is an ordering platform that is widely adopted by customers to streamline operations and increase productivity. As organizations integrate Salesforce into their systems, it has become important to understand the intricacies of Salesforce integration. This blog covers all important Salesforce integration interview questions.

What does Integration mean in Salesforce?

Salesforce integration means connecting Salesforce to another application or system to enable data exchange in a seamless workflow. Salesforce integration determines how data is efficiently managed within an organization’s broader IT ecosystem.

Salesforce Integration Interview Questions and Answers

Below are the commonly asked Salesforce integration interview questions: 

1. What are the types of integration in Salesforce?

  • Single-platform integration-Single-platform integration to efficiently communicate data.
  • Batch integration-Possibly relying on hourly, weekly, or monthly data updates.
  • Real-time mixing-Mashup integration-relying on visual force user interface builds to create customized user interfaces (UIs).

2. How does Salesforce REST API differ from SOAP API?

  • SOAP API has official standards because it’s a protocol.
  • REST API has no official standards because it’s an architectural style of coding and tags.

3. What is Salesforce Connect?

  • Salesforce Connect uses external objects, which are similar to custom objects on Salesforce, but the data resides in another system.
  • Salesforce Connect supports three kinds of adapters to access external objects: Cross-org, OData, and apex custom adapter.


      4. How to handle errors in integration?

      • Follow the programming language guides.
      • Implement the full error model.
      • Avoid swallowing the root cause.
      • Log the error codes.
      • Raise errors immediately.

      Salesforce Business Analyst Interview Questions 

      Salesforce business analyst interview questions help you to improve business and efficiency. Some related questions include:

      1. What is the role of a Salesforce business analyst in a company?

      Let’s discuss the role and communication skills of a salesforce business analyst.

      • A salesforce business analyst must have adequate industry knowledge and technical proficiency.

      2. What are the qualifications key to a business analyst? 

      • Statistical and quantitative analysis.
      • Proficiency in business intelligence tools. 
      • Problem-solving and critical thinking.
      • Interpersonal and negotiation skills. 
      • Understanding of machine learning and AI basics.

      3. Define various stages of a business project.

      • Some of the primary stages of a business or IT project include initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure. 

      4. What is the meaning of project deliverables?

      • Project deliverables are the set of measurable products and services delivered to the end consumer once the project is completed. It is the result of a project. 

      Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers

      Salesforce interview questions to help you learn the questions and concepts to crack the interviews and clear the Salesforce certifications. Some related questions include:

      1. How do you enable API access in Salesforce?

      • Highlight the steps in Salesforce setup for enabling API access.

      2. What are Outbound Messages in Salesforce?

      • Explain how they send SOAP messages to external systems based on workflow rules.

      3. How do you monitor integration performance in Salesforce?

      • Discuss tools like salesforce debug logs and event monitoring.

      4. What is the importance of connected apps?

      • Connected apps manage OAuth 2.0 authentication for external applications.

      Tips for Preparing for Salesforce Integration Interview Questions

      Master Core Concepts: APIs, middleware, and Salesforce-native integration tools.

      Practice Real-world Scenarios: Build mock integrations using trailhead challenges.

      Stay Updated: Keep up with Salesforce releases and tools like muleSoft.


      Salesforce Integration is a critical domain that requires an understanding of technical, problem-solving, and business processes. An understanding of salesforce business analyst Interview questions will set you apart from others in integration and certification. Stay prepared, gain hands-on experience, and confidently address salesforce certification verification questions to excel in your interview.

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