When preparing for an SAP-based interview, understanding the types of questions you may face is essential. There are a lot of chances from many reputed companies in the world. According to the research, SAP basis has a high market share, so, you still have the chance to move ahead in your career in SAP basis. By preparing well and doing a common SAP basis interview, you can make a great impression in your interview. Here we will provide helpful tips for SAP Basis interview questions for all experience levels.

What is SAP BASIS?

SAP basis transforms how humans interact with technology processes and enhances productivity. SAP basis plays a key role in maintaining the system, improving its performance, and the business process. SAP is used by different departments of a company to conduct different tasks.

SAP Basis Interview Questions for Freshers

If you are a fresher, we prepare SAP basis interview questions. Here are some common questions:

1. Give a brief description of SAP Basis.
SAP Basis (Business Application Software Integrated Solution) is the backbone of SAP systems. SAP provides the tools and services required for system administration to manage their SAP systems effectively.

2. What is the difference between developer trace and system trace?

  • Developer Trace: In the event of problems, the developer trace records the technical information about the error or problem.
  • System Trace: when you want to record internal SAP system activities, then the system trace is used.

3. What are the different types of users in SAP?

  • System Users
  • Communication Users
  • Service Users
  • Reference Users

4. What are the cons of using SAP?

  • An expensive solution
  • Required experienced employees to handle it
  • Takes time to implement

5. What are the different types of modules in SAP?

  • FI (Financial Accounting)
  • CO(Controlling)
  • HR(human resources)

SAP Basis Interview Questions for Experienced:

If you are experienced, we prepare SAP-basis interview questions. Here are some common questions:

1. What is SGEN in SAPbasis??

SGEN (System Generation) is an important tool for SAP basis administrators. It is used to generate system-specific programs and modules.

2. What are the types of transport requests?

  1. Customizing request
  2. Workbench requests
  3. transport of copies
  4. Relocation

3. What are the most common ERPs?
The most common ERPs used by organizations are,

  • SAP
  • Baan
  • Microsoft Dynamics

4. Does SAP act as a database?
SAP is not a database, but it is a software platform, which makes it easier to access other databases like Oracle and SQL Server and find required information quickly.

5. What are the Different Layers Found in the R/33 System?

  • Presentation Layer
  • Database layer
  • Application layer


Therefore, it is very important to learn all about the important questions that are majorly asked in SAP basis interview questions. Understanding of both the theoretical concepts and practical applications of technology. Don’t forget about the communication skills and the confidence that you want to get this job. These questions prepare you for the interview. Proper preparations for the interview can lead to success in SAP BASIS. All the best for the interview.